Inner workings
Types of objects
Conceptually, TPV consists of the following types of objects.
1. Entities - An entity is anything that will be considered for scheduling by TPV. Entities include Tools, Users, Roles, Rules and Destinations. All entities have some common properties (id, cores, mem, env, params, and scheduling tags).
2. Scheduling Tags - Entities can have scheduling tags defined on them that determine which entities match up, and which destination they can schedule on. Tags fall into one of four categories, (require, prefer, accept, reject), ranging from indicating a requirement for a particular destination, to indicating complete aversion.
3. Loader - The loader is responsible for loading entity definitions from a config file. The loader will parse and validate entity definitions, including compiling python expressions, and processing inheritance, to produce a list of entities suitable for mapping. The loader is also capable of loading config files from multiple sources, including https urls.
4. Mapper - The mapper is responsible for routing a Galaxy job to its destination, based on the current user, tool and job that must be scheduled. The mapper will respect the scheduling constraints expressed by the loaded entities.
When a mapper routes jobs to a destination, it does so by applying 5 basic operations on entities.
1. Inherit
The inherit operation enables an entity to inherit the properties of another entity of the same type, and to override any required properties. While a Tool can inherit another tool, which can in-turn inherit yet another tool, it cannot inherit a User, as it is a different entity type. It is also possibly to globally define a default_inherits field, which is the entity that all entities will inherit from should they not have an inherits tag explicitly defined. Inheritance is generally processed at load time by the Loader, so that there is no cost at runtime. However, the Mapper will process default inheritance, should the user, role or tool that is being dispatched not have an entry in the entities list.
When inheriting scheduling tags, if the same tag is defined by both the parent and the child, only the child’s tag will take effect. For example, if a parent defines high-mem as a required tag, but a child defines high-mem as a preferred tag, then the tag will be treated as a preferred tag.
2. Combine
The combine operation matches up the current user, role and tool entities, and creates a combined entity that shares all their respective preferences. If the same property is defined on both entities, the entity with the higher merge priority will override the other. The priority order is fixed in the following way: Destination > User > Role > Tool. For example, if a tool specifies cores, and a user also specifies cores, the user’s cores value will take precedence. Properties defined on destinations have the highest priority of all. The combine operation follows the following additional rules:
Combining envs and params
In this case, these requirements are simply merged, with duplicate envs and params merged in the following order: Destination > User > Role > Tool.
3. Evaluate
This operation evaluates any python expressions in the combined entity. At this point, rules are also evaluated. After evaluation, expressions such as cores, mem, max_cores, min_gpus etc., will all have concrete values. During evaluation, the cores, mem and gpu values are clamped between min_cores, min_mem, min_gpus and max_cores, max_mem, max_gpus. Afterwards, these values can be compared with a destination’s values, as described in the match step next.
4. Match
The match operation is used to find matching destinations for the combined, evaluated entity. This step ensures that the destination has sufficient gpus, cores and mem to satisfy the entity’s request. The maximum size of a job that a destination can accept can be defined using the max_accepted_cores, max_accepted_mem and max_accepted_gpus fields. If these are not defined, a match is assumed. In addition, all destinations that do not have scheduling tags required by the entity are rejected, and all destinations that have scheduling tags rejected by the entity are also rejected. Preference and acceptance is not considered at this stage, simply compatibility with available destination based on the tag compatibility table documented later.
5. Rank
After the matching destinations are short listed, they are ranked using a pluggable rank function. The default rank function simply sorts the destinations by tags that have the most number of preferred tags, with a penalty if preferred tags are absent. However, this default rank function can be overridden per entity, allowing a custom rank function to be defined in python code, with arbitrary logic for picking the best match from the available candidate destinations.
Job Dispatch Process
When a typical job is dispatched, TPV follows the process below.
lookup - Looks up Tool, User and Role entity definitions that match the job.
combine() - Combines entity requirements to create a merged entity.
evaluate() - Evaluates expressions in combined entity.
match() - Matches the combined entity requirements with a suitable destination.
rank() - Rank the matching destinations using a pluggable rank function.
choose - The entity is combined with the best matching destination and any expressions on the destination are evaluated, with the first non-failing match chosen (no rule failures).